

Tiivistelmä: The centralised data storage facilities of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) contain a total of over 700 000 bedrock and boulder observations. The observations have been gathered since the end of 19th century. The data system contains observations from 1905. Bedrock observations are spatial data, in which a large amount of attribute information are associated with a certain coordinate point. An observation consists of a rock outcrop or boulder located and positioned in the field, observations and measurements made as well as geochemical analyses performed. At the observation site, in addition to the outcrop or boulder, there may be an outcrop group, a littoral boulder field, frost-shattered bedrock, a rock profile, an investigation trench and a rock-cutting or quarry. The most usual data noted are the lithologies in the outcrop and their relative abundances, the structures that occur in the rock and tectonic measurements. The bedrock observations are produced in the GTK's own programmes: bedrock mapping, ore exploration, rock and mineral aggregate studies, dimension stone investigations (natural stone research) and urban mapping. The exploration activities of Outokumpu Oy, Rautaruuki Oy and Lapin Malmi Oy have also produced observations as well as similar ore investigations and bedrock mapping in projects carried out by various universities. The data sets from different sources are not commensurable and information on the quality of the data is partly lacking. The data consist of the following layers: bedrock observation point, main joint set trend, outcrop picture, rock type (lithology) observation point, sample information, tectonic measurements (structural geology measurements), dyke line, observation area, rock quality, rock type polygon (lithological polygon) and suitability. ‘BEDROCK.Bedrock_observation’ is a point layer that contains observations and data associated with the geographical locality of the bedrock or boulder observation as well as information on positioning accuracy, the observation process, the project, the source data set and date related details. ‘BEDROCK.Joint_set’ is a point layer, which contains data on the jointing measured at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Outcrop_picture’ is a point layer that contains data on the photographs and sketches associated with the observation. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_observation_point’ is a point layer that contains information and observations relating to the rock types (lithologies) at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Sample’ is a point layer that contains data on samples taken from the observation site and thin sections made from these, petrophysical measurements and geochemical determinations. ‘BEDROCK.Tectonic_measurement’ is a point layer that contains information on structural and tectonic parameters measured at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Dyke_line ’ is a line layer that contains dykes and related information outlined by the map maker at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Observation_area’ is an area layer that contains the external boundaries of the observation area. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_quality’ is an area layer that contains more precise data collected during dimension stone investigations, in research relating to rock construction and during urban mapping about the fracturing that occurs in the observation area as well as the quality of the rock types. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_type_polygon’ is an area layer that contains rock type areas (lithological areas) outlined by the map maker at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Suitability’ is an area layer that contains data gathered during dimension stone investigations and during rock and mineral aggregate studies about the suitability of the rock types in the observation area for further use.
Käyttötarkoitus:The bedrock observation and boulder data can be used in ore exploration, rock and mineral aggregate studies, dimension stone investigations and urban mapping and as source data for bed-rock mapping.
Käyttökelpoisuus:The observation data should not be considered for purposes that require special investigations such as exploitation of rock aggregates and of natural stone and neither for uses that require more detailed information, such as in various rock engineering projects. When using the data, notice should be taken of the uncertainty associated with positioning accuracy before the introduction of GPS equipment.
Teema avainsana: kallioperä
Koordinaattijärjestelmä:EUREF FIN TM35FIN
Jakeluformaatin nimi:File Geodatabase Feature Dataset
Aineiston formaatti:File Geodatabase Feature Dataset

GTK-SYKE Metatieto:

Metatiedon tiedot  
Metadatan kieli:Suomi
Viimeinen päivitys:2015-02-23
Metatiedosta vastuussa oleva osapuoli:
Organisaation nimi:Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Osoitetiedot:PL 96 (Vuorimiehentie 5)
02150 ESPOO
Metatiedon standardin nimi:ISO 19115:2005
Metatiedon standardin versio:JHS 158:2005
Metatiedon tiedostotunniste: bedrock_observation.xml
Ylemmäntason tiedostotunniste: Bedrock and Boulder Observation database


Aineiston tunnistamistiedot  
Vaihtoehtoinen nimi:  
Versio: 1.1
Version päiväys: 2015-02-23
* Esitystapa: digitaalinen kartta
Resurssin tunniste:  
Tunnisteen tyyppi:  
Aineistosta vastuussa oleva osapuoli:
Organisaation nimi: Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Rooli: Omistaja
Puhelinnumero: 0295030000
Fax-numero: 0295032901
Osoitetiedot: PL 96 (Vuorimiehentie 5)
02150 ESPOO
Aiheluokka: ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Alan mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: geologia, paljastumat, lohkareet, kallioleikkaukset, louhikot, kivilajit, rakenteet, mineraalit, näytteet, kokokivi, analyysi, petrofysiikka, kartoitus, taajamageologia, malminetsintä, kiviaines, rakennuskivet, geology, outcrops, boulders, rock cuttings, boulder fields, rocks, structures, minerals, samples, whole rock, analysis, petrophysics, mapping, urban geology, mineral exploration, aggregate, buildings stones
Asiasanasto: Geosanasto
Paikan mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: Suomi
Asiasanasto: Geosanasto
Esiintymän mukainen avainsana:
Aikajakson mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: arkeeinen, proterotsooinen, paleoproterotsooinen, archaen, proterozoic, paleoproterozoic
Asiasanasto: Geosanasto
Teeman mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: Geologia
Asiasanasto: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Teeman mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: geologia
Asiasanasto: GEMET - Themes, version 2.3
Teeman mukainen avainsana:
Avainsanat: kallioperä, bedrock
Asiasanasto: Geosanasto
Tiivistelmä: The centralised data storage facilities of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) contain a total of over 700 000 bedrock and boulder observations. The observations have been gathered since the end of 19th century. The data system contains observations from 1905. Bedrock observations are spatial data, in which a large amount of attribute information are associated with a certain coordinate point. An observation consists of a rock outcrop or boulder located and positioned in the field, observations and measurements made as well as geochemical analyses performed. At the observation site, in addition to the outcrop or boulder, there may be an outcrop group, a littoral boulder field, frost-shattered bedrock, a rock profile, an investigation trench and a rock-cutting or quarry. The most usual data noted are the lithologies in the outcrop and their relative abundances, the structures that occur in the rock and tectonic measurements. The bedrock observations are produced in the GTK's own programmes: bedrock mapping, ore exploration, rock and mineral aggregate studies, dimension stone investigations (natural stone research) and urban mapping. The exploration activities of Outokumpu Oy, Rautaruuki Oy and Lapin Malmi Oy have also produced observations as well as similar ore investigations and bedrock mapping in projects carried out by various universities. The data sets from different sources are not commensurable and information on the quality of the data is partly lacking. The data consist of the following layers: bedrock observation point, main joint set trend, outcrop picture, rock type (lithology) observation point, sample information, tectonic measurements (structural geology measurements), dyke line, observation area, rock quality, rock type polygon (lithological polygon) and suitability. ‘BEDROCK.Bedrock_observation’ is a point layer that contains observations and data associated with the geographical locality of the bedrock or boulder observation as well as information on positioning accuracy, the observation process, the project, the source data set and date related details. ‘BEDROCK.Joint_set’ is a point layer, which contains data on the jointing measured at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Outcrop_picture’ is a point layer that contains data on the photographs and sketches associated with the observation. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_observation_point’ is a point layer that contains information and observations relating to the rock types (lithologies) at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Sample’ is a point layer that contains data on samples taken from the observation site and thin sections made from these, petrophysical measurements and geochemical determinations. ‘BEDROCK.Tectonic_measurement’ is a point layer that contains information on structural and tectonic parameters measured at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Dyke_line ’ is a line layer that contains dykes and related information outlined by the map maker at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Observation_area’ is an area layer that contains the external boundaries of the observation area. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_quality’ is an area layer that contains more precise data collected during dimension stone investigations, in research relating to rock construction and during urban mapping about the fracturing that occurs in the observation area as well as the quality of the rock types. ‘BEDROCK.Rock_type_polygon’ is an area layer that contains rock type areas (lithological areas) outlined by the map maker at the observation site. ‘BEDROCK.Suitability’ is an area layer that contains data gathered during dimension stone investigations and during rock and mineral aggregate studies about the suitability of the rock types in the observation area for further use.
Käyttötarkoitus: The bedrock observation and boulder data can be used in ore exploration, rock and mineral aggregate studies, dimension stone investigations and urban mapping and as source data for bedrock mapping.
Myötävaikuttanut taho: Helsingin yliopisto, Lapin Malmi Oy, Oulun yliopisto, Outokumpu Oy, Rautaruukki Oy, Turun yliopisto
Viitedokumentti: _varten_m04_80_1.pdf _ohjeet_ja_lyhenteet_outokumpu_oy.pdf _ja_lohkare_etsintaohjeet.pdf _1970_luvulta.pdf
Tietoaineiston kieli: Suomi, Englanti
Status: Jatkuvaa
Ylläpitotietojen tiedot:  
Ylläpitotiheys: Vuosittain
Päivityksen laajuus:  
Resurssin/Aineiston rajoitteet:
Käyttökelpoisuus: The observation data should not be considered for purposes that require special investigations such as exploitation of rock aggregates and of natural stone and neither for uses that require more detailed information, such as in various rock engineering projects. When using the data, notice should be taken of the uncertainty associated with positioning accuracy before the introduction of GPS equipment.
Lainmukaiset rajoitteet:  
Saantirajoitteet: Lisenssi
Käyttörajoitteet: Tekijänoikeus
Lupateksti: © Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Turvaluokittelu: Julkinen
Sijaintitiedon esitystapa: Vektori
*Prosessointiympäristö: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7600) ; Esri ArcGIS
Sijaintitiedon erotuskyky:  
Maantieteellinen kattavuus:  
*Kattavuuden esittämistapa:  
*Suorakaide rajaa aineiston:  
Muu kattavuustieto:  
Maantieteellinen laajuus:  
Rajoittaa suorakulmion:  
*Kattavuuden esittämistapa:  
*Suorakaide rajaa aineiston:  
Ajallinen kattavuus:  
Aloitus pvm:  
Lopetus pvm:  
Sijainnillinen ja ajallinen kuvaus:  


Sijaintitiedon esitystapa - Vektori  
Topologian taso: geometryOnly
Geometriset objektit:  
Objektin tyyppi: point
Objektien lkm: 666060


Vertausjärjestelmän tunniste:
Arvo: ETRS-TM35FIN: 3067
Tunnisteen tyyppi: EPSG


Aineiston laatutiedot  

The bedrock observation and boulder data contain observations that were gathered for different purposes and were originally stored in the Kalpea, Raki, Kivivara, Taajama and Kapalo databases of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) as well as the Wihta databases of Outokumpu Oy. The conversion of the observations of Rautaruukki Oy to a digital format began in 2009. The observation data of the universities is found stored in several different formats.

The bedrock observation database Kalpea was in use at the GTK during 1989-2009. A significant portion of the bedrock observations made during bedrock mapping at that time and a small part of those made during ore exploration, as well as boulder observations, were gathered in it. As necessary, bedrock and boulder observations made during 1905-1988 were stored in Kalpea retrospectively. Some project data from the universities have also been entered in Kalpea. In the field bedrock and boulder observations were recorded on paper forms and in notebooks as well as drawn on field maps. The original data are stored in the main research archive of the GTK. In 2009 the data were transferred to a new bedrock observation system, Geokernel (‘Geotietoydin’ in Finnish). At the transfer stage there were 390 551 observations in Kalpea.

The position accuracy and content of the observations varies. Prior to 2000, observations were located and positioned with a compass and on the basis of more recent material then available from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) such as economic maps at a scale of 1:100 000, base or topographic maps at a scale of 1:20 000 as well as black and white or false colour aerial photographs and aerial photography maps. Since 1998, GPS equipment has also been used to position observation points, a practice which became standard in 2009.The most usual information noted are the lithologies in an outcrop and their relative abundances, structures occurring in the rock and tectonic measurements. The latter refers to the measurement of linear and planar features and the trend and attitude of structures. If certain minerals, particularly ore minerals, are clearly present in the rock, this has been recorded as part of the observation. Rock samples are associated with with the observations. Thin sections have been made of selected rock samples to enable more accurate identification. Since 1965 petrophysical laboratory measurements have been carried out on rock samples. Since 1963 geochemical whole rock analyses have been performed on selected type samples from a mapping area. Photographs or sketches may accompany an observation.

Raki is an observation database for the gathering of bedrock observations associated with dimension stone investigations and was used by the GTK during 1991-2009. The data are being transferred to the new Geokernel bedrock observation system during 2010-2011. At the transfer stage there were 13 793 observations in the database.

Kivivara is an observation database for the gathering of bedrock observations associated with rock and mineral aggregate studies and was used by the GTK during 1989-2009. In 2009 the data were transferred to the new Geokernel bedrock observation system. At the transfer stage there were 12 248 observations in the database.

Taajama is an observation database used by the GTK for gathering bedrock observations associated with urban mapping. The database consists of observation from two separate projects during 1999-2002 and 2003-2006. The observations and databases of the projects slightly differ from one another. The data are being transferred to the new Geokernel bedrock observation system during 2010-2011. At the transfer stage there were 952 and 1447 observations in the databases. Besides observations made during bedrock mapping, the data contain detailed information on faulting and jointing.

From 2009-2010, and in part since 2007, all observation data gathered in the mapping programmes of the GTK is entered directly in the Kapalo database using a rugged field laptop and the stored information is transferred to the Geokernal data system. The observations are positioned using GPS equipment. The most usual data noted are the lithologies in the outcrop and their relative abundances, structures occurring in the rock and tectonic measurements. Data storage based on hierarchical value lists occurs in accordance with accepted standards.

Outokumpu Oy carried out bedrock mapping in support of ore exploration in 1952-2003. Bedrock and boulder observations were recorded on paper forms and in notebooks as well as drawn on field maps. The abbreviations used in the forms have been described in the GEOKU II handbook. The original data are stored in an archive at Outokumpu. Outokumpu Oy handed over their ore exploration data to the GTK during 2003-2007 in the Outokumpu-GTK Data Transfer Project. During 2003-2010 the outcrop observations were stored in the Wihta databases. During data transfer to the GTK, the bedrock observations of Rautaruukki Oy and Lapin Malmi Oy were also moved. Their conversion to digital form began in 2009.The positioning accuracy and content of the observations varies. Prior to 2000, observations were located and positioned in the field using a compass and topographic maps. After 2000, the observations were positioned using GPS equipment. The most usual data noted are the lithologies in the outcrop and their relative abundances, structures occurring in the rock and tectonic measurements. The latter refers to the measurement of linear and planar features and the trend and attitude of structures. If the rock is rich in certain minerals, particularly ore minerals, it has been recorded as part of the observation. Samples are often associated with the observations, from which thin sections have been made to enable more accurate identification. From the 1980s, whole rock geochemical analysis of the type samples for the area is often also associated with the specimens.

Universities have produced bedrock observations in different projects associated with bedrock mapping and ore exploration. The data have been handed over to the GTK in several formats. The observation data have been produced in a way similar to the observations of the GTK and Outokumpu Oy.


The bedrock observations have been assembled through the processes of bedrock mapping, ore exploration, dimension stone investigations, rock and mineral aggregate studies and urban mapping. In the future observations additional to those previously mentioned will be gathered in industrial mineral studies, in nuclear waste disposal research and in rock construction investigations.

More recent maps then available from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) such as economic maps at a scale of 1:100 000, base or topographic maps at a scale of 1:20 0 000 as well as black and white or false colour aerial photographs and aerial photography maps have been used to locate and position bedrock observation points. Since 1998, GPS equipment has also been used to position observation points, a practice which became standard in 2000. Bedrock observations were recorded in observation diaries and on observation forms. The observations have been stored in the data systems then in use. Before 2009 the fields of the data systems did not usually have value lists. Since 2009-2010 data storage based on hierarchical value lists occurs in accordance with accepted standards. A geologist determines a field name for a lithology based on the minerals and structures it contains. Uniform field names have been used in certain areas. The lithological name is clarified later on the basis of geochemical analyses performed on the rock and thin section studies.

The locating and positioning of dimension stone observation points have been done in the same way as in bedrock mapping. A dimension stone observation consists of the bedrock observation as well as the recording of its described properties of quality and usability. Dimension stone observations are written on observation forms and these are transferred to a database. Before 2004 value lists were not used in the observations. In 2004 the RAKI database that operated in the new Oracle environment, and in which some properties had value lists, was introduced. An essential part of a dimension stone observation is an evaluation of usability and quality. Based on a field visit the observations were classed as 'not useful', 'further investigation required', 'site for follow-up' study. Additionally it is mentioned separately if the site is covered by an environmental restriction or if it is rejected for other environmental reasons.

In urban mapping newer base maps available from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) and GPS devices have been used in the locating and positioning of observation points. The observations have been written on urban mapping forms and stored in an Access databases. Value lists have been used in the databases from the start. In urban mapping, detailed observations about faulting and jointing are made in addition to general notes made during bedrock mapping. In a 2003-2006 mapping project, the observations also contained evaluations of the suitability of the rock for use as an aggregate and dimension stone.


From 1998, observation points were positioned using GPS equipment with an accuracy of > 10 m (< 10 m from 2000). The observations were stored in the bedrock observation databases of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).

From 2009-2010 observations have been made on a field data storage device direct to a personal database.

Aineiston laaturaportti - Sääntöjenmukaisuus:


Aineiston jakelutiedot  
Nimi: Aineistomyynti
Organisaation nimi: Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Rooli: Omistaja
Puhelinnumero: 0295030000
Fax-numero: 0295032901
Osoitetiedot: PL 96 (Vuorimiehentie 5)
02150 ESPOO
Saatavilla oleva formaatti:
Jakeluformaatin nimi: Ei saatavissa INSPIRE-yhteensopivassa muodossa
Jakeluformaatin nimi: File Geodatabase Feature Dataset
Jakeluformaatin nimi:  
Jakeluformaatin versio: ArcGIS 10.1
Jakeluformaatin määrittely:  
Maksut ja maksuaika:  
Online-osoite (URL): Tuotelinkki (
Jakelutapa: Lataaminen
Median nimi:  


Kohde- ja ominaisuustiedot
Yksityiskohtainen kuvaus:
Kohde- ja ominaisuustietojen kuvaus:  

